Over lunch during a workshop held over this past weekend, a prominent anthropologist accused the late Stephen Jay Gould of delivering the most destructive blow to evolutionary theory's cause in its fight against creationism, even more than poster boy Richard Dawkins. The argument was that Gould had failed to realize that humans have detached themselves from the laws of nature and that Gould never understood or investigated humans. Well, the pseudo-Nietzchean argument can be dispensed with effortlessly simply because it is moronic. The second accusation is false and could have been avoided had the anthropologist read Gould's 1991 article in Journal of Social Science. It amazes me every time a new that the biggest enemies evolutionary theory has are from within. Today's post is dedicated to SJG, may he rest in peace knowing that there are still some who think he was one of the greatest minds in modern biology (I'm not so sure he'd approve of the music here, but what to do)
Gum takes tooth - Silent cenotaph (Tigertrap, 13-06-2011)
Elephant 12 - Diet Coke (2011)
Princess Chelsea ft. Jonathan Bree - The cigarette duet (2011)
Possessed (Curtis Bernhardt, 1947)
Who would've guessed it? Ad-men can be clever (real clever)!