Jenny Hval is the sex-obsessed lovechild of Bongwater and Laurie Anderson 2.0. She offers a mish-mash of folky flavors in an electronic and experimental brew. Shedding off her Rocket to the sky moniker, Hval definitely challenges the ear, but me likey.
Jenny Hval - Viscera (Rune grammofon, 18/02/2011) www.myspace.com/rockettothesky
Hot on the heels of the recent album by their alter ego, Mt, Fuji doomjazz, TKDE are back with another sonic exploration of space and time. These guys are just so brilliantly talented that it'd futile on my behalf to do more than provide you with some audio samples.
The Kilimanjaro darkjazz ensemble - From the stairway (Denovali, 18/03/2011) www.myspace.com/tkde
The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble - White Eyes by chlingui
The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble - Cocaine by chlingui
Gevolt came from WAY way leftfield and caught me by a mega-surprise. An Israeli band comprised of Russian immigrants doing Rammstein versions of traditional Yiddish songs? This is wrong in so many levels, but the music fuckin' works! Somehow, stealing those two elements generates a killer concoction and some tracks here are actually damn good. Ah, and it's a free download!
Gevolt - AlefBase (Self released, 25/03/2011) http://www.gevolt.com/
Compare the traditional version of Mein Rue Platz
With Gevolt's
Gevolt - mayn rue plats by kingdom of uza
Han Bennink is one of my all-time favorite drummers, almost regardless of whom he plays with. So here's a newly recovered recording, made available digitally.
And finally, a statement I couldn't agree with more
Scumbag philosopher - Scumbag philosopher (2011) www.myspace.com/scumbagphilosopher