Sarah Blasco – Bird on a wire (from: As day follows night, Dew process 10/07/2009) www.sarahblasko.com
Mirel Wagner - No death (from: Mirel Wagner, Kioski 23/02/2011)
Sonya Cotton – It is so (Bandcamp, 30/08/2011)
Post war glamour girls – Crrreep (2011)
Karin park - Tiger dreams (2011)
Evelinn trouble - Warface (2009)
Foot village - This song is a drug deal (2011)
Only in hipster nation can this kinda topsy turvy work. The burden of self-reference and reversed criticism is overwhelmin. It's a miracle how two minuses turn into this plus.
Neon hitch - Gucci Gucci (2011)