Thank nature for underground hip-hop that saves American hip-hop from its dire straits. I'm so excited I'm gonna see Pahroahe monch live soon…
Shabazz palaces - an echo from the hosts that profess infinitum (from: Black up, Subpop 31/05/2011) http://shabazzpalaces.com
Pharoahe monch - Let my people go (Live) www.myspace.com/pharoahemonch
Pharoahe Monch – Shine (Live) (from: W.A.R. (We are renegades), Duckdown 22/03/2011)
Quantic and his combo barbaro – Albela
Twilight hotel - when the wolves go blind (2011) http://www.twilighthotel.ca
Twilight hotel - Mahogany veneer (2011) (from: When the wolves go blind, PID 25/01/2011)
Bl_ck r_b_ts - Farewell black robots (Bandcamp, 28/02/2011) blckrbts.bandcamp.com
OTEP - I, alone (from: Atavist, Victory 26/04/2011) www.myspace.com/otep
Yet another new finding in the basic research of neurosciences breaks the mold of contemporary neuroscientific thought. A team of Canadian scientists reports that (at least some) neurons can use two different neurotransmitters, i.e. a single neuron can convey two separate messages and kinds of information. Traditionally, neuroscientists classify neurons according to the neurotransmitter they use. In the new paper, the team describes a group of dopaminergic neurons (whose neurotransmitter of choice is considered to be dopamine) that also uses glutamate, furthermore, the transmission of glutamate is rapid compared with the slower rate of dopamine transmission. The same phenomenon was also observed in neurons using serotonin that use in addition acethylcholine.
These findings adds another level of complexity to the crucial issue of neurocognitive regulation and control and opens a completely new front in the study of how intricate the propagation of signals/information in brains really is.
El Mestikawy S et al. 2011. From glutamate co-release to vesicular synergy: vesicular glutamate transporters. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 12 (4): 204-216
And as a desert, honoring the beautiful purple-crowned fairy wren that headlines this post
Paul McCartney - Jenny Wren