Friday 21 January 2011

European politeness is a myth

Årabrot are old friends of Uza as they are the real fucking deal. This is forward thinking experimetal. There is absolutely nothing like it out there. If metalheads raise a brow and others frown at the metal, then you know you have something good in your hands. This Norwegian mammoth strikes with hail and thunder from all possible directions. This is metal all right, but good luck pigeonholing it. Every bar and every phrase here is unique, from voice and delivery to broken beats and riffs. They are raw, snarling, heavily throbbing, rough and granular angry bunch. Årabrot are those unique bands who offer a total experience; this is not just an album you put on and forget about as it cannot occupy the background. Årabrot is a state of mind, and one that I sure would like to be in as often as possible.

Årabrot – End of first chant ii (from: Revenge, Fysisk format 13/09/2010)

Momus - Hypnoprism (American patchwork, 27/09/2010)

A hawk and a hacksaw - Cervantine (L.M. dupli-cation, 15/02/2011)

Sonic youth - Simon Werner a disparu OST (Syr, 15/02/2011)

Cowlick – Wires (2010)

Uza's much younger sister has a foam fetish