The past two weeks were not so good music wise, but then came two who showed just how (successfully) out there one can get. Both have already graced Uza with their presence in the past, but this time around, it's a whole new ball game. Felix Kubin needs no introduction to those who follow experimental, with his rich discography exhibiting anything humanly (and otherwise) imaginable concerning sound manipulations and noise extraction. In a new project, Kubin supposedly traveled to all corners of the Earth, scavenging attics and barn-houses, looting garage sales and pillaging hidden nooks of archives and libraries in order to find recordings that have yet to be discovered by anyone else. Supposedly, because it makes more sense that Kubin pharmaceuticals concocted these so-called treasures and dustified their appearances. Bottom line is that it does not matter one bit if the story behind these tracks is real or is the story behind Kubin is real. What you get here is forward thinking field recordings, studio experimentations and altogether crazed fuckery.
v.a. - Historische Aufnahmen (edited by Felix Kubin) (Gagarin, 01/12/2010) www.myspace.com/fkubin
You can hear samples here:
Next up is Gablé, whose previous album was interesting enough to generate two tracks Uza liked. This new one, however, is something else altogether, and is simply put, post-modern pop galore. If the peptides of a few lists back through everything they have into their pop blender, then Gablé add the crucial ingredient of experimentalism. They are the pop equivalent of the deconstruction (cut/paste?) of DJ shadow and Negativland. This album is bursting with ideas (or more accurately shreds of rudimentary ideas) that are rewarding and pleasing. Kudos for them for fulfilling the potential shown in the previous album.
Gablé - Who tells you? (From: Cute horse cut, Loaf 01/04/2011) www.myspace.com/gableacute
[Me] - Westward backwards (from: Naked EP, Lizard king, 18/03/2011) www.myspace.com/featureartist
Screens - Shudder (from: Dead house EP, Bandcamp 17/05/2011) screens.bandcamp.com/
Sims – Burn it down (From: Bad time zoo, Doomtree 15/02/2011) http://sims.bandcamp.com/album/bad-time-zoo