There is a reason why hip-hop is dead – it has betrayed its roots and completely sold itself to the evils against which this subculture rose against. It's easy to buy "production values" when you have enough money to throw in the air in clubs but the truth remains that those wannabes (to avoid Tom allusions here) are pathetic, vacuous, and disrespectful ignorant sell outs. Commercial hip-hop that is. Underground HH is alive and kicking, and at the forefront are titans like Dead prez, Paris, Immortal technique and Pharoahe monch. They are the democrats to the Lil' B & Minaj republicans. They are the voice that America needs to hear but prefers to mask with the bling shit of Jay Z and Drake (Drek in Yiddish fits better). The analogies can go on forever, but simply prick your ears to this interview IT gave while visiting Occupy Wall street. Then download his latest effort called The martyr. It's free, and it has some killer tracks.
The Brandt Brauer Frick ensemble ft. Emika – Pretend (from: Mr. Machine, !K7 24/10/2011)
Brown bird - Fingers to the bone (2011)
We cut corners - Pirate's life (2011)
The aprons - Firefly (from: Sound stains, Hi fidelity 11/2011)
Der Räuber (The robber) (Benjamin Heisenberg, 2010)